Killa conversions & Performance
Killa Conversions & Performance
At Killa Conversions & Performance we may specialise in adding engine performance to your vehicle however, we can also provide top of the line accessories to complete your vehicle. We can provide anything from tyres to bullbars, suspension or brakes and have a range of premium suppliers that enable us to achieve all of this in-house. Some of our most popular accessories are listed below.
Please feel free to contact us if there is something you are after that is not listed here.

From Baja spec to GVM upgrades, Major brands inc Pedders, King, Fox, Radflo, and Comp shocks.
We can setup a suspension system that perfectly suits your needs.
tyres, wheels & Brakes
Transform the style and capability of your vehicle with a great tyre and wheel package. Wheel brands including; Allied, Boss, Dirty life, Ion, Pro comp, Fuel, KMC, Method and many more.
At Killa Conversions and Performance we highly recommend Mickey Thompson tyres.
With big Horsepower you need big brakes, We supply and fit Pedders Extreme or Harrop brake kits

Vehicle Protection
Bullbars, Rear bars, Rock sliders to protect your bodywork. Brands include Legendex, Hamer, and Fab Fours for American trucks.
We can greatly improve the interior comfort of your vehicle, We can provide Sound deadening, Stereo and AV systems, Leather re-trims, Sports seat upgrades and leather wrapped steering wheels.
All the 12 volt accessories you could want, Driving lights, LED bars, Battery charging systems, Compressors, The list is endless.